Neo Soul
JoFoKe & Same Cloth

2:00 PM
Muse Performance Space
JoFoKe is a multi-genre singer and songwriter. A Denver native, she earned her Bachelor’s of Arts in Music: Technical Voice from Fisk University, a historically Black college in Music City USA: Nashville, TN. Throughout her career, JoFoKe (pron: Joh-Foh-Kee) has shared her vocals by way of stage and studio with Natalie Cole, Roberta Flack, Lyle Lovett, Bebe Winans, Daniel Weatherspoon, Aaron Neville, Marvin Sapp, Dianne Reeves, When performing, JoFoKe uses her platform to advocate for suicide prevention and to #RemoveTheStigma attached to mental illness. A mental illness battler and suicide attempt survivor herself, she proclaims that, every time she lifts her voice, she is singing for her life! Her debut single, “Count” has become an anthem for audience members. As a result, she and her sister, Stacie Alexander founded the ‘Count Joy Network’. CJN works to raise awareness about mental health issues and connect and expand access to treatment primarily in the Black community. JoFoKe and her network are committed to connecting each fighter to the resources they need to live, love, fight & count joy FOR THEIR LIVES.